Level Select Play the game through a first time. When you die, and have placed better than 7th place, put in the letters L, E, V, E, L, on the name entry screen with Control Pad #2. The letters will not show up on the screen.
Errata The Continue code in the instruction booklet is stated incorrectly. The correct code is: when you die, press Up, then 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 on Control Pad #1.
2-D Mode Play the game through a first time. When you die, and have placed better than 7th place, put in the letters T, H, R, E, E, on the name entry screen with Control Pad #2. The letters will not show up on the screen.
Sound Test Play the game through a first time. When you die, and have placed better than 7th place, put the letters S, O, U, N, D, on the name entry screen with Control Pad #2. The letters will not show up on the screen, but it does register! |